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View Details for Buy # 994581

View Other Versions: 994581_01 

General Buy Information

Buy #: 994581  
Solicitation #: N0018919Q0233
Buy Description: Drapes
Category: 72 -- Household and Commercial Furnishings and Appliances
Sub Category: 7230 -- Draperies, Awnings, and Shades
NAICS: 314120 -- Curtain and Linen Mills
SAM Contract Opportunity: Yes (If Yes, buys prior to 11/2019 were posted to FBO)
Set-Aside Requirement: Small Business
Buyer: FLC - Norfolk
End Date: 09/05/2019
End Time: 12:00 ET
Seller Question Deadline: 9/3/2019 - 15:00 ET
Delivery: Special Delivery Instructions - See Statement of Work/Delivery Attachment

Line Item(s) Template - Optional

You have the option of entering Bid information manually by clicking Start Bid or you can prepare your Bid in an Excel spreadsheet by clicking Download Template. Complete the template using the instructions provided in the spreadsheet and save the file to your computer. When complete, login to Unison Marketplace and click Start Bid. Proceed to the Line Items screen to upload the information.

Line Item(s)

Item No Description Qty Unit
001 320 pairs of custom-made drapery. In accordance with performance work statement (PWS)(See clause document. Color: New Merinque Fabric: Monterey Material: 100% Polyester front with Vinyl backing that is UV resistant (blackout) to prevent sunlight from coming through Draper Style: Accordion Fold (seven pleats per curtain) Rod Width: 42” Finished Width: 55” Finished Length: 68” Features: (7) Snap Hooks per curtain (each snap hook is 3 ½” apart from center) 320 EA

Bidding Requirements

In addition to providing pricing through the marketplace, Sellers MUST include certain non-pricing information as document(s) attached to their Bid, so they are received no later than the closing date and time of this Buy. Pricing will not be accepted if it is included in the attachment(s). Attachment(s) can total no more than 20 MB, whether multiple files or one file, and may be zipped to decrease their size. A Seller's failure to comply with these terms may result in its Bid being determined to be non-responsive. The attachment(s) must include the following non-pricing information: In accordance with performance work statement (PWS). PWS incorporated into clauses document.
Open Market bids are accepted in this solicitation; however, please refer to the specifications below, including 'Set-Aside Requirement' provision, for additional requirements.
The Buyer is allowing Sellers to submit bids that either meet or exceed the requested specification. Sellers MUST enter exactly what they are bidding (including make, model, and description) into the blank description field in order for the bid to be considered.
The Buyer is requiring that any rebid must be lower than the 'current bid price' by this amount. The reduction is based on the total order and must be satisfied within the rebid minimum.
Buyer intends to issue award using a purchase order or delivery order. Bids from Sellers unable to accept purchase orders or delivery orders will not be considered for award.
This solicitation is a Small Business set-aside and only qualified Sellers can bid.
Buyers and Sellers agree to conduct this transaction through Unison Marketplace in compliance with the Unison Marketplace Terms of Use. Failure to comply with the below terms and conditions may result in offer being determined as non-responsive.
Sellers understand that the Marketplace ranks all Bids by price; however, pursuant to applicable acquisition regulations and/or departmental guidelines, Buyers may use criteria other than price to evaluate offers. Accordingly, please note that, unless otherwise specified in the Buy Terms, below, to the extent required by applicable regulations and/or guidelines, award will be made to the responsible Seller whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Buyer on the basis of price, technical capability, delivery, and past performance.
Interested offerors must submit any questions concerning the solicitation at the earliest time possible to enable the buyer to respond. Questions can be submitted by using the 'Questions & Responses' link. Questions not received within a reasonable time prior to close of the solicitation may not be considered.
Unless otherwise specified in the Buy Terms, below, Bid must be good for 30 calendar days after close of Buy and shipping must be free on board (FOB) destination CONUS (Continental U.S.)
The Buyer has provided special instructions for delivery – See Statement of Work/Delivery Attachment.

Buy Terms

Name Description
Miscellaneous This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; a formal, written solicitation will not be issued. PAPER COPIES OF THIS SOLICITATION WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE. This solicitation documents and incorporates provisions and clauses in effect through FAC 2005-60 and DFARS Change Notice 20120724. It is the responsibility of the contractor to be familiar with the applicable clauses and provisions. The clauses may be accessed in full text at these addresses: and
NAICS The NAICS code is 314120 and the Small Business Standard is 750.
FOB Destination FAR 52.247-34, F.o.b. Destination applies
Equipment Condition New Equipment ONLY; NO remanufactured or "gray market" items. All items must be covered by the manufacturer's warranty.
No partial bids allowed No partial shipments are permitted unless specifically authorized at the time of award.
Offer Period Bid MUST be good for 30 calendar days after close of Buy.
Clauses by Reference and Full Text See clauses sheet document. The full text of the referenced FAR clauses may be accessed electronically at

Shipping Information

City State   Zip Code
See Statement of Work

Seller Attachment(s): Required

The attachment(s) must include the following non-pricing information: In accordance with performance work statement (PWS). PWS incorporated into clauses document.

Buy Attachment(s)

No. Document Name   Document Size
001 Clauses.pdf   787 KB