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View Details for Buy # 1019982_02

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General Buy Information

Buy #: 1019982_02  
Solicitation #: BRAGG3SFGAD3320
Buy Description: B Co 3320 3rd SFG(A) Pre Deployment Equipment Purchase
Category: 99 -- Miscellaneous
Sub Category: 9999 -- Miscellaneous Items
NAICS: 333991 -- Power-Driven Handtool Manufacturing
SAM Contract Opportunity: Yes (If Yes, buys prior to 11/2019 were posted to FBO)
Set-Aside Requirement: Small Business
Buyer: MICC End User
End Date: 05/15/2020
End Time: 17:00 ET
Seller Question Deadline: 5/15/2020 - 17:00 ET
Delivery: 21 Day(s) - Required (No. of calendar days after receipt of order (ARO) by which Buyer requires Seller to deliver)
Repost Reason: No Repost Reason provided.
Please Note: Repost Reason is provided as a courtesy only. Sellers are responsible for reviewing and complying with all Buy Specifications regardless of Repost Reason.

Line Item(s) Template - Optional

You have the option of entering Bid information manually by clicking Start Bid or you can prepare your Bid in an Excel spreadsheet by clicking Download Template. Complete the template using the instructions provided in the spreadsheet and save the file to your computer. When complete, login to Unison Marketplace and click Start Bid. Proceed to the Line Items screen to upload the information.

Line Item(s)

Item No Description Qty Unit
001 Lum tape 20 EA
002 bungi cord 100 EA
003 zip ties small 20 EA
004 zip ties medium 20 EA
005 zip ties large 20 EA
006 WD 40 10 EA
007 chain 12 ft 6 EA
008 extension cord 50 ft 1 EA
009 extension cord 25 ft 1 EA
010 hole cutter kit 1 EA
011 tow rope 4 EA
012 welding helmet 1 EA
013 Mil- SHOCKWAVE IMPACT DUTY Titanium Drill Bit Set (29-Piece) 1 EA
014 Milwaukee Hole Dozer General Purpose Bi-Metal Hole Saw SModel # 49-22-4185et (28-Piece) 1 EA
015 Black Oxide Steel Impact Driver Bit Set (50-Piece) 1 EA
016 Milwaukee-SHOCKWAVE Impact Duty Driver Steel Bit Set (50-Piece) 2 EA
017 Diablo D0724R 7.25" saw blade 2 EA
018 Diablo DBD045063701F 4.5" cut off wheel 10 EA
019 Makita 741423-B-25 4.5" grinding wheel 1 EA
020 Diablo 10 in. x 24-Teeth Ripping Saw Blade 2 EA
021 Diablo 10 in. x 50-Teeth Combination Saw Blade 4 EA
022 Diablo 12 in. x 60-Teeth Combination Saw Blade 4 EA
023 SAWZALL Demolition Wood and Metal Cutting Bi-Metal Reciprocating Blade Set (12 Piece) 1 EA
024 Makita 741423-B-25 4.5" grinding wheel 1 EA
025 #10-1/4 x 2-1/2 in. 8-Penny Bright Steel Smooth Shank Common Nails (5 lb.-Pack) 3 EA
026 tow rope (strap Webbing) 4 EA
027 invertor 750W 2 EA
028 multimeter fluke 2 EA
029 pallet covers 5 EA
030 atlas46 yorktown tool roll 4 EA
031 Solo cold laminator 65 inch 1 EA
032 GMTK general mechanics tool kit 1 EA

Bidding Requirements

In addition to providing pricing through the marketplace, Sellers have the OPTION to include certain non-pricing information as document(s) attached to their Bid, so they are received no later than the closing date and time of this Buy. Pricing will not be accepted if it is included in the attachment(s). Attachment(s) can total no more than 20 MB, whether multiple files or one file, and may be zipped to decrease their size. A Seller's failure to comply with these terms may result in its Bid being determined to be non-responsive. The attachment(s) should include the following non-pricing information:
Open Market bids are accepted in this solicitation; however, please refer to the specifications below, including 'Set-Aside Requirement' provision, for additional requirements.
The Buyer is allowing Sellers to submit bids for alternate items, provided those items meet all of the salient physical, functional, or performance characteristics specified by this solicitation. Sellers MUST enter exactly what they are bidding (including make, model and description) into the blank description field in order for the bid to be considered. The Buyer will evaluate 'equal' items on the basis of information furnished by the Seller or identified in the bid and reasonably available to the Buyer. The Buyer is not responsible for locating or obtaining any information not identified in the Bid.
The Buyer is requiring that any rebid must be lower than the 'current bid price' by this amount. The reduction is based on the total order and must be satisfied within the rebid minimum.
Buyer intends to issue award using a purchase order, delivery order, or purchase card. If utilizing a purchase card, Buyer will communicate account information to Selected Seller outside of the Marketplace.
This solicitation is a Small Business Set-Aside and only qualified Sellers can bid.
Buyers and Sellers agree to conduct this transaction through Unison Marketplace in compliance with the Unison Marketplace Terms of Use. Failure to comply with the below terms and conditions may result in offer being determined as non-responsive.
Sellers understand that the Marketplace ranks all Bids by price; however, pursuant to applicable acquisition regulations and/or departmental guidelines, Buyers may use criteria other than price to evaluate offers. Accordingly, please note that, unless otherwise specified in the Buy Terms, below, to the extent required by applicable regulations and/or guidelines, award will be made to the responsible Seller whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Buyer on the basis of price, technical capability, delivery, and past performance.
Interested offerors must submit any questions concerning the solicitation at the earliest time possible to enable the buyer to respond. Questions can be submitted by using the 'Questions & Responses' link. Questions not received within a reasonable time prior to close of the solicitation may not be considered.
Unless otherwise specified in the Buy Terms, below, Bid must be good for 30 calendar days after close of Buy and shipping must be free on board (FOB) destination CONUS (Continental U.S.)

Buy Terms

Name Description
Provisions The offeror must comply with the following commercial item terms and conditions: FAR 52.252-1, Solicitation. Provisions Incorporated by Reference; FAR 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors; 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications; FAR 52.211-6, Brand name or Equal.
Clauses The following clauses apply to this solicitation: FAR 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions – Commercial Items. The following FAR clauses in paragraph (b) of FAR clause 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required To Implement Statutes or Executive Orders-Commercial Items, apply: 52.204-10, Reporting Executive Compensation and First Tier Subcontract Awards; 52.219-6, Notice of Total Small Business Set-Aside; 52.219-28, Post Award Small Business Program Rerepresentation; 52.222-3, Convict Labor; 52.222-19, Child Labor-Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies; 52.222-21, Prohibition of Segregated Facilities; 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity; 52.222-36, Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities; 52.225-13, Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases; 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--System for Award Management. 52.233-4, Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim; The following DFARS clauses apply: DFARS 252.04-7004, Alternate A System for Award Management; 252.211-7003, Item Identification and Valuation; 252.225-7002, Qualifying Country Sources as Subcontractors; 252.232-7010, Levies on Contract Payments; 252.203-7000, Requirements Relating to Compensation of Former DoD Officials; 252.225-7001, Buy American Act and Balance Of Payments Program; 252.225-7036, Buy American Act -- Free Trade Agreements -- Balance of Payments Program; 252.232-7003, Electronic Submission of Payment Requests; 252.247-7023, Primary and ALT III, Transportation of Supplies by Sea.
SAM Registration IAW 52.204-7 System for Award Management (SAM) Registration (July 2013), the offeror must be registered in SAM and fully input their Representations and Certifications for a complete record. Information can be found at or by calling 866-606-8220, or 334-206-7828 for international calls. 52.204-13 - System for Award Management Maintenance
Shipping Shipping is FOB Destination CONUS (CONtinental U.S.).
Quote Submitted Quotes will be valid for 45 days after the auction closing.
Request for Quote This solicitation is issued as a Request for Quotation (RFQ), not an invitation for bid (IFB).).
FARsite IAW FAR 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated by Reference, the full text of FAR and DFARS Clauses may be accessed electronically at; and are current to the most recent revision dates posted on this site.
NAICS & Size Standard The associated North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code for this procurement can be found. The small business size standard for that NAICS code can be found at
AMC-Level Protest Program "AMC-Level Protest Program If you have complaints about this procurement, it is preferable that you first attempt to resolve those concerns with the responsible contracting officer. However, you can also protest to Headquarters (HQ), Army Materiel Command (AMC). The HQ AMC-Level Protest Program is intended to encourage interested parties to seek resolution of their concerns within AMC as an Alternative Dispute Resolution forum, rather than filing a protest with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) or other external forum. Contract award or performance is suspended during the protest to the same extent, and within the same time periods, as if filed at the GAO. The AMC protest decision goal is to resolve protests within 20 working days from filing. To be timely, protests must be filed within the periods specified in FAR 33.103. If you want to file a protest under the HQ AMC-Level Protest Program, the protest must request resolution under that program and be sent to the address below. All other agency-level protests should be sent to the contracting officer for resolution. Headquarters U.S. Army Materiel Command Office of Command Counsel 4400 Martin Road Rm: A6SE040.001 Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000 Fax: (256) 450-8840 Packages sent by FedEx or UPS should be addressed to: Headquarters U.S. Army Materiel Command Office of Command Counsel 4400 Martin Road Rm: A6SE040.001 Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000 Fax: (256) 450-8840 The AMC-Level Protest procedures are found at: If internet access is not available, contact the contracting officer or HQ, AMC to obtain the HQ AMC-Level Protest Procedures."
Service Terms: "52.204-9, Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel; 52.204-10, Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards; 52.222-41, Service Contract Act; 52.237-2, Protection of Government Buildings, Equipment and Vegetation; 252.201-7000, COR Clause; 252.223-7006, Prohibition On Storage And Disposal Of Toxic And Hazardous Materials; 252.243-7001, Pricing of Contract Modifications; 252.246-7000, Material inspection and receiving report"
Provision 252.209-7999 Representation by Corporations Regarding an Unpaid Tax Liability or a Felony Conviction under any Federal Law.
Provision 252.232-7006 Wide Area WorkFlow Payment Instructions
Clause 252.204-7012 252.204-7012 Safeguarding of Unclassified Controlled Technical Information
PALLETIZATION All deliveries shall be palletized when the material exceeds 250 lbs. (excluding the pallet), or exceeds 20 cubic feet, to comply with the requirements of Department of the Army Pamphlet 700-32 and MIL-STD-147E.
Unfunded Requriement This is currently an unfunded requirement with a high expectation that funds will be available. When and if funds become available a contract will be awarded at that time.
Basis of Award IAW FAR 52.212-2; Evaluation - Commercial Items, the following factor shall be used to evaluate offers: technical capability of the item offered to meet the Government requirement and price. Technical capability is more important than price.
No Multiple Awards No multiple awards will be made. Quotes received through Unison Marketplace will be evaluated and awarded on an “all-or-nothing” basis.
Clause 252.232-7006 Wide Area WorkFlow Payment Instructions
Vendor Questions Please address your questions through the Unison Marketplace buy. If your questions are not being answered in a timely manner, please send your question to the S2P2 Contracting Officer - or call 315-772-5582.
Buy American Act In accordance with DFAR provision 252.225-7000 Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate, I certify that each end product, except those listed in paragraphs (c)(2) or (3) of the attached provision, is a domestic end product. ****YOU MUST FILL OUT THE ATTACHED IF OTHER THAN DOMESTIC END PRODUCT IF YOU DO NOT FILL IT OUT AND YOU DELIVER OTHER THAN A DOMESTIC END PRODUCT YOUR DELIVERY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED********** ****READ DFARs Clause 252.225-7001 to ensure your product comes from a QUALIFYING COUNTRY******* ****IF YOU QUOTE A PRODUCT OTHER THAN DOMESTIC FROM A NON-QUALIFYING COUNTRY YOUR QUOTE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED*****

Shipping Information

City State   Zip Code
Fort Bragg NC   28310 - 5200

Seller Attachment(s): Optional

The attachment(s) could include the following non-pricing information:

Buy Attachment(s)

No. Document Name   Document Size
001 BUY_AMERICAN_ACT_Provision.docx   13 KB