Question & Responses for Buy # 1164724

Questions & Responses Released to All Sellers
Buy #: 1164724
Question Deadline:  02/15/2024 11:00 ET
Question Count: 6
Buy #: 1164724
Question Deadline:  02/15/2024 11:00 ET
Question Count: 6
Question Submitted:
SURBC2030 is EOL, will you accept alternate options? Do you need dock to dock delivery or Inside delivery is required?
Response Received:
Yes this is a brand name or equal, so if you have another item, it must meet the salient characteristics provided in the statement of work. We only need it delivered to the shipping address and our shipping and receiving members can offload.
Question Submitted:
Are these UPSs powering flight simulators? If so, will anything else be powered? What is nominal wattage and runtime needed after power outage?
Response Received:
Are these UPSs powering flight simulators? Yes If so, will anything else be powered? No What is nominal wattage and runtime needed after power outage? trainer electrical loads: MH60T OFT: 80kVA MH60T CPT: 12kVA MH65E1 OFT: 70kVA require minimum 20-30 minutes runtime on each
Question Submitted:
Is there a raised loading dock at the shipping address?
Response Received:
Yes, there is a raised loading dock.
Question Submitted:
What are the payment terms, NET30 or GPC?
Response Received:
Payment will be made by electronic funds transfer after properly submitted invoices are submitted through the invoice processing platform. Please review the provisions and clauses attachments for further details.
Question Submitted:
Part # SURBC2030 is a discontinued part #. Can you provide the UPS Model or SN number so Eaton can check if there are any alternative options?
Response Received:
Model numbers: SU30K3/3XR5 & SU20K3/3
Question Submitted:
Can you please advise what UPS this is going into?
Response Received:
Smart Online 3-phase UPS system. Model numbers: SU30K3/3XR5 & SU20K3/3
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