Question & Responses for Buy # 1101333

Questions & Responses Released to All Sellers
Buy #: 1101333
Question Deadline:  06/07/2022 11:00 ET
Question Count: 2
Buy #: 1101333
Question Deadline:  06/07/2022 11:00 ET
Question Count: 2
Question Submitted:
We normally only sell this equipment directly to the end user or through trained authorized distributors and not resellers. The flowsensors are custom calibrated based on end user specifications. We are not able to provide a quote without this information as it affects pricing. The tubing flowmeter will show average flow on the front panel digital display. A data acquisition system(DAQ) is required to view, record, and analyze the pulsatile flow data on a computer. The meters come standard with BNC analog output for easy connections to most standard data acquisition systems on the market. If you do not already have a DAQ, we sell a very easy to use data acquisition system. Our tubing flow sensors are calibrated by us for the specific measurement conditions that they will be used for. This means that the flowsensor arrives to you fully calibrated and ready for use right out of the box! A single flowsensor can be calibrated for up to four different fluid & temperature combinations. To provide a price quote we need to know the following: 1.) Fluid? 2.) Fluid Temp? 3.) Tubing Material? 4.) Tubing Dimensions? ID= ? OD=? *For both 6PXL(3/8”OD) & 20PXL(1.25”OD). 5.) Anticipated flowrates: Minimum=?, Average=?, Peak= ? 6.) Do you need a data acquisition system on the quote? 7.) Complete shipping address? *Our customer service dept requires this to quote shipping. Research Tubing flowsensor specifications & information: Our 400-Series research flowmeters are not for human use. If your flow application will involve human patients please let me know as we have clinical equipment that is FDA cleared for use with human patients. Out of curiosity what is the overall application
Response Received:
The United States Military Academy, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering will be the end user (and not a reseller).The front panel digital display and BNC output are great for our application, and we already have a DAQ to sample the BNC output. The application does not involve human patients. Our overall application is to meter flow for a variety of turbulent flow experiments for laboratory classes and senior design projects. Examples include Planar Laser Induced Fluoresce experiments to visualize and measure two-fluid mixing in environmental applications, and measurements of flow in model jet engine cooling components. The applications include both steady and pulsatile flow. Below are the requirements for fluid type, temperature, tubing, and anticipated flow rates for each sensor. a. 6PXL: Calibrated for water at 23 degrees Celsius, R-3603 Tygon tubing with ID=1/4 inch and OD=3/8 inch. Anticipated flow rates are: Minimum = 0 lpm, Average = 1 lpm, Peak = 5 lpm. Request calibrations at both the “low flow scale (1/4 scale)” and “standard flow scale” as specified in the Transonic System user manual. b. 20PXL: Calibrated for water at 23 degrees Celsius, R-3603 Tygon tubing with ID=1 inch and OD=1 1/4 inch. Anticipated flow rates are: Minimum = 0 lpm, Average = 50 lpm, Peak = 100 lpm. Request calibrations at both the “low flow scale (1/4 scale)” and “standard flow scale” as specified in the Transonic System user manual. c. We do not need a data acquisition system.
Question Submitted:
To provide a price quote we need to know the following: Fluid? Fluid Temp? Tubing Material? Tubing Dimensions? ID= ? OD=? *For both 6PXL(3/8”OD) & 20PXL(1.25”OD). Anticipated flowrates: Minimum=?, Average=?, Peak= ? Do you need a data acquisition system on the quote? Complete shipping address?
Response Received:
1.The quote should be for the following fluids, temperatures, tubing material, and tubing dimensions: a. 6PXL: Calibrated for water at 23 degrees Celsius, R-3603 Tygon tubing with ID=1/4 inch and OD=3/8 inch. Anticipated flow rates are: Minimum = 0 lpm, Average = 1 lpm, Peak = 5 lpm. Request calibrations at both the “low flow scale (1/4 scale)” and “standard flow scale” as specified in the Transonic System user manual. b. 20PXL: Calibrated for water at 23 degrees Celsius, R-3603 Tygon tubing with ID=1 inch and OD=1 1/4 inch. Anticipated flow rates are: Minimum = 0 lpm, Average = 50 lpm, Peak = 100 lpm. Request calibrations at both the “low flow scale (1/4 scale)” and “standard flow scale” as specified in the Transonic System user manual. c. We do not need a data acquisition system.
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