Question & Responses for Buy # 1146265

Questions & Responses Released to All Sellers
Buy #: 1146265
Question Deadline:  08/01/2023 15:00 ET
Question Count: 10
Buy #: 1146265
Question Deadline:  08/01/2023 15:00 ET
Question Count: 10
Question Submitted:
Taking in consideration the new information received . It is our understanding that the FRH will be use in different applications and weather conditions. Since weather conditions like altitude temperature have a direct effect on the chemistry , performance and functionality . It is posible to present different alternatives for different conditions ? Since for example a more powerful ( heavier ) FRH will be needed in adverse conditions like low temperature and high altitude . Can you define certain basic conditions that we can analyze and present alternatives . For example: Condition 1 : Sea level & ambient T Condition 2 : altitude X & temperature Y This way the required performance can be targeted more specific rather that one size fits all Please advise
Response Received:
While we appreciate the interest in targeting extreme cold weather and/or high altitude conditions, this specific initiative is specifically focused on a competitive alternative to the FRH. For this solicitation, a one size fits all is the objective for use in the MRE and larger UGR-E application.
Question Submitted:
Taking in consideration the new information received, it is our understanding that the FRH will be use in different applications and weather conditions. Since weather conditions like altitude temperature have a direct effect on the chemistry, performance and functionality . It is possible to present different alternatives for different conditions? Since for example a more powerful (heavier) FRH will be needed in adverse conditions like low temperature and high altitude. Can you define certain basic conditions that we can analyze and present alternatives. For example: Condition 1: Sea level & ambient T Condition 2: altitude X & temperature Y
Response Received:
While we appreciate the interest in targeting extreme cold weather and/or high altitude conditions, this specific initiative is specifically focused on a competitive alternative to the FRH. For this solicitation, a one size fits all is the objective for use in the MRE and larger UGR-E application.
Question Submitted:
What is minimum or maximum volume of the liquid (water) for the activation of the heater? or is what the manufacturer will prescribe for best performance?
Response Received:
The minimum or maximum volume of the liquid (water) is based on the chemistry of the heater. Therefore, the amount of activation water required for the proposed heater is prescribed by the heater manufacturer. While less water is desirable for the user, it is also desirable to avoid excess water for safety and disposal considerations as well as efficiency of operation.
Question Submitted:
The Deadline for questions is on 07/26/23 and the dead line for proposals is 07/27/23. We believe the deadline for proposal it is to close to the deadline for questions. It is possible to have an extension of 7 days in order to present the proposal.
Response Received:
The solicitation will be extended.
Question Submitted:
As per chart Raising the temp of 8 oz by 100 F above ambient, or up 100 F from any starting temperature? Or specifically from 40F to 140F? Do we need guarantee functionality at 40F? Is there a requirements time to achieve 100 F?
Response Received:
The heating performance is to be based on cold ambient temperature between 33 F - 40 F. Recognizing that more energy is required to thaw than simply heat, the temperature of the 8-ouce entrée pouch should not be pre-conditioned below 33 F prior to testing, yet warmer operating temperatures may result in a higher end point temperature that may be limited by the reaction. For a water-activated heater, excess boiling may impact measured heating rate and total heat generated by the heater.
Question Submitted:
The fully packaged heater specification has a range of 23 grams (preferred) but can go as high as 56.69 gm? Can you please confirm this range? Is the weight only for the Heating element or pad or this should include the other heating accessories such us heating bags, Heating sleeves etc.
Response Received:
The desired weight for the fully packaged heater is preferably less than or equal to 23 grams. While the specification allows for 56.69 grams for just the packaged heater alone, a tradeoff analysis would need to demonstrate a positive return on investment (ROI) and/or other benefits that justify the added weight.
Question Submitted:
Max ideal highest temp 140 F (desired) is there a time requirement to achieve the max desirable temperature? Is there any flexibility in the " Desire" temperature goal?
Response Received:
While the minimum target temperature is 140 F, then is flexibility in the maximum or goal temperature. However, one must consider user safety with temperatures that cause scalding of skin/personnel.
Question Submitted:
Differential Temperature: Assuming the temperatures are all internal temps (inside food). Is the minimal temperature duration differential of 40 F for 4 hours…. Is this referring to 40 F above starting temperature of ambient? For 4 hours?
Response Received:
The minimum temperature differential of 40 F for 4 hours relates to preconditioning of the test items (8-ounce packaged water/food, heater and activation water used to react with the heater.
Question Submitted:
As per description: The heater must be capable of maintaining a min temperature “differential” of 20 F min for 8 hours. What is the significance of this requirement? In what external conditions this 20F has to be maintained for 8 hours? Indoors, outdoors, cold weather, hot weather, sea level? Can you provide a baseline ambient temperature for this requirement?
Response Received:
The heater must be capable of maintaining a min temperature “differential” of 20 F min for 8 hours at ambient (approximately 70 F at sea level), yet it is desired that the heater operates in all environments, including high altitude, low and high ambient temperatures.
Question Submitted:
I can provide this item in any quantity. Would you please clarify Do they want the heating element with the bags like this? Flameless_Ration_Heater_8092.jpg Or do they only want the heating element (the white pad that goes inside the bag). I have both and can accommodate the contract.
Response Received:
Could you please clarify/describe the item in "Flameless_Ration_Heater_8092.jpg." The item/picture is unviewable. Please also refer to the Product Description for any clarification.
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