Question & Responses for Buy # 1114069_02

Questions & Responses Released to All Sellers
Buy #: 1114069_02
Question Deadline:  08/31/2022 14:30 ET
Question Count: 2
Buy #: 1114069_02
Question Deadline:  08/31/2022 14:30 ET
Question Count: 2
Question Submitted:
In the pricing section we filled in our hourly rate under “unit price”. Are you looking for us to submit the hourly rate or the total price of the entire project? ). Could you please clarify what the “REPRODUCTION” section means and what should we include/explain here? I am referring to the pricing section.
Response Received:
Answer: Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings Unit Price: Enter the total price of the entire project.
Question Submitted:
I downloaded the template and filled it out along with the NDAA form. On the downloaded spreadsheet I was not sure what was meant by REPRODUCTION. After reviewing the question and answer part of the solicitation when the same question was asked, the answer was inconclusive. We took it upon ourselves to assume that REPRODUCTION meant creating a similar (but different) offering again.
Response Received:
Answer: Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings
Buy #: 1114069_01
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 21
Buy #: 1114069_01
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 21
Question Submitted:
With reference to Price template we would need some clarity on Line Item 2- Reproduction. Please explain what price factors need to be included in Line item 2 – Reproduction. We note that the requirement is for Graphic/Web design services and would like to understand the term reproduction in the scope of work.
Response Received:
Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings.
Question Submitted:
Is there a specific platform preferred
Response Received:
WordPress is required.
Question Submitted:
We request to clarify the price template. The scope mentions graphic design services with Brand guidelines, website design and wordpress engineering support. Please advise and clarify the term reproduction in the price template. We would like to understand pricing elements covered in this.
Response Received:
: Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings.
Question Submitted:
Could you please let me know what is Known as REPRODUCTION that is mentioned in Price sheet? Could you provide the Revised pricing sheet and Could you please provide the Extension of this project as the bid due is 08/31/2022 End Time: 17:00 ET.
Response Received:
Answer: Answer: Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings. Closing date to be extended until next week Monday, September 19th.
Question Submitted:
The first item is a direct labor item - are we to leave the "part number" blank or put N/A? Is some other information supposed to go in that column? Is our company the "manufacturer"?
Response Received:
Answer: No need to fill-in the direct labor item field, leave ”part number” blank. No other info needed to be entered in the “manufacturer” field .
Question Submitted:
In the pricing, what is the "REPRODUCTION" item consist of?
Response Received:
Answer: Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings.
Question Submitted:
Is there a public facing website to view? is not viewable.
Response Received:
Answer: Letter “s” missing on “http”. Use this link
Question Submitted:
Hello, Can you please provide more details on what Line Item 2 "REPRODUCTION" means on the Bid sheet? This was asked before and no answer was given. We are unsure how to complete the pricing and Seller Description of this item if we do not understand what it is.
Response Received:
Answer: Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings.
Question Submitted:
Could you please clarify line item 2? More specifically could you define REPRODUCTION and what it has to do with the project? Reading through the SOW I didn't see anything about REPRODUCTION.
Response Received:
Answer: Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings.
Question Submitted:
There is no explanation or description for "reproduction." Can you please explain what this line item #002 refers to? Can you extend the due date for submission until this is clarified? The term reproduction is not included anywhere in the SOW or described.
Response Received:
Answer: Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings.
Question Submitted:
Buy Item #2 in the bid template has a Buyer Description of "Reproduction". Can you clarify what OBO is looking for in this line?
Response Received:
Answer: Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings.
Question Submitted:
The bid template provided includes columns for manufacturer, part number, unit price, which seems to reference pricing for materials, not necessarily professional services like graphic design. How should vendors address these columns when pricing for graphic design services?
Response Received:
RESPONSE FROM UNISON MARKETPLACE: The bid template is optional, you can quote your prices and fill out the Line Item descriptions directly on the bid form on the webpage. You can also use N/A for the Manufacturer and Part Number fields since this is a service buy.
Question Submitted:
Is the USG planning on reusing the current 2020 theme or a more recent WordPress default themes for the new site build? Or are they going to go with our recommendation? If the answer to #1 is ‘going with our recommendation’, are they open to a commercial theme that might already have plug and play features that could ultimately replace current plugin functionality? Are there certain plugins that are currently installed that should they be taken into consideration for incorporation into the new design? Specifically, the Ultimate Maps, Events Calendar, Garden Gnome panorama, and Robo Gallery plugins. Do we need to consider the backend for content editors and ease-of-use on the WordPress Dashboard? Will the contractor be given access to a the current hosting environment by Department’s Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM) for creation on the WordPress platform for the test site?
Response Received:
WordPress is required. We would prefer a unique design for our website using WordPress. New site must maintain and enhance functionality of current website. "Do we need to consider the backend for content editors and ease-of-use on the WordPress Dashboard?" Yes. IRM will be the website engineers and will host and manage the backend data. We do not anticipate giving access to the contractor. However, they will be responsible for making recommendations.
Question Submitted:
Has any user or stakeholder research been completed that may inform this project? If so, will that research be shared with the selected vendor?
Response Received:
None formally. The CH team will share information about intended audience and use of the site.
Question Submitted:
Good Afternoon. In Line item 2 Reproduction Section, what does "Reproduction" entail? Does reproduction include edits/fixes? Line item 1 seems to include the project details so I wasn't sure about Line item 2. Thank you.
Response Received:
Reproduction would be for the cost to provide a digital archive of all significant documents, photographs, and drawings consulted or used that were not provided by the government. Note any restrictions on the use and reproduction of such documents, photographs, and drawings.
Question Submitted:
: A few quick questions: Please provide approximately when this project would start? Please confirm this is a design only project. No development is required from our Sub contractor, correct? For reference, will the site be developed in Wordpress? There was a mention of helping determine plugins, which is a usual part of our design process. Can you clarify if that's something our Sub would do as part of the contract? Thank you.
Response Received:
This project will start approx 2 weeks after contract is awarded. (Date of contract award TBD.) Yes, this is a design only project. Yes, the site will be developed in Wordpress. The contractor should be able to recommend plugins but they will not be building them into the site. They will be expected to help answer technical questions about their recommended plugins
Question Submitted:
What are the cyber security requirements for a prime and sub contractor? How many days from contract award does the contractor have to be compliant any cyber security requirements?
Response Received:
Cyber security requirements were not considered for this SOW since IRM will be engineering the website and the vendor will not have access to the backend.
Question Submitted:
According to the bid attachments, the only documentation that we’ll have to submit is the signed NDAA. Is that correct? If not, please provide us with more information (what should be included, format, size limit, etc.). The SOW attached does not include any instruction regarding the submission of a technical proposal; although in the QUALIFICATION section of the SOW, it is mentioned that we should demonstrate our prior professional experience.
Response Received:
I am not sure what the bid document is. I can’t answer the first question. Prior experience should be demonstrated through resumes of proposed team members and 3-5 relevant examples of work from the proposing organization.
Question Submitted:
Could you please clarify what the “REPRODUCTION” section means and what should we include/explain here? I am referring to the pricing section.
Response Received:
Similar to the first round of questions, I don’t have reference to what they are talking about.
Question Submitted:
Will content be provided to create the master slide deck or does the OBO require content development and copywriting? or will this be a template design only? How many slides does the OBO anticipate the master slide deck to be? Can the OBO provide any examples of their existing marketing materials?
Response Received:
All brand materials will be templates only. Any copy will be provided by the CH team. CH can provide examples of previous slide decks after contracting. The template will include a variety of different slide layouts with CH branding. This should be no more than 10.
Question Submitted:
In regard to fulfilling the requests of this contract, will travel and on-site visual/audio services be required? To be more specific, these services will include a team of photographers and videographers to travel to OCH to capture interviews and pointed media assets to further enforce the brand.
Response Received:
No. Travel and on-site meetings are not required for this SOW. Photography and videography is not included in the scope of this project.
Buy #: 1114069
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 0
Buy #: 1114069
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 0
The Buyer has not released any questions/responses to all Sellers for this Buy.
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