Question & Responses for Buy # 1158067_01

Questions & Responses Released to All Sellers
Buy #: 1158067_01
Question Deadline:  11/03/2023 15:00 ET
Question Count: 10
Buy #: 1158067_01
Question Deadline:  11/03/2023 15:00 ET
Question Count: 10
Question Submitted:
Does the end user have a preference for delivery of the racks, assembled or unassembled? Unassembled is okay.
Response Received:
Unassembled is okay.
Question Submitted:
1. Is there a layout/design to be followed? Any CAD drawing that you can share? No, I am sorry I do not have a drawing of the layout of the hangar for security reason I will not be presenting a layout. Each unit will be at a different location, so a layout is not necessary. What I can show you, is what types of shelving units we want similar or equal to. 2. What is the quantity of pallet positions? One 3. How many pallets do you desire to be able to be hold with the pallet rack shelving? two pre shelve. 4. What is the quantity of beam levels per bay? two pre shelves, if more that is okay. again, we want signal units because they are going in different locations. 5. What are the beam clearance levels (height from shelf to shelf) We preferer adjustable beams, but 3ft clearances is fine. 6. Will the rack system be provided by the end-user? Or does the vendor need to fulfill the rack system? Are you asking about the rack decking? If so, the vendor will need to provide the rack decking with the shelves. 7. Can you confirm that the vendor needs to install the pallet rack system? Vendor does not need to install or assemble anything, I have answered this question previously. We just need to vender to provide the delivery. We have forklift for unloading, and tools to assemble the shelving system. 8. Is there a requirement for take-down/disassembly of a current system?' No, we will be keeping everything and if we need to disassemble, we can perform that task. 9. If take-down/disassembly is required, will the vender need to haul and dispose of existing rack system? No, we plan to use the shelves for a long time.
Response Received:
1. No, I am sorry I do not have a drawing of the layout of the hangar for security reason I will not be presenting a layout. Each unit will be at a different location, so a layout is not necessary. What I can show you, is what types of shelving units we want similar or equal to. 2. One 3. Two pre shelves. 4. Two pre shelves, if more that is okay. again, we want signal units because they are going in different locations. 5. We preferer adjustable beams, but 3ft clearances is fine. 6. Are you asking about the rack decking? If so, the vendor will need to provide the rack decking with the shelves. 7. Vendor does not need to install or assemble anything; I have answered this question previously. We just need to vender to provide the delivery. We have forklift for unloading, and tools to assemble the shelving system. 8. No, we will be keeping everything and if we need to disassemble, we can perform that task. 9. No, we plan to use the shelves for a long time.
Question Submitted:
Please provide complete shipping address.
Response Received:
The Shipping address is included in shipping and delivery section. Just in case it isn't showing up for you the address is, 13400 SSG Sims St. Fort Bliss TX 79918.
Question Submitted:
I just want to clarify that no racks are needed on the top. Just (2) Pallet Rack Wire Decking - 46" Wide, 42" Deep on the bottom shelf? We need two shelves, one on the bottom, and one in the middle. We do not require a 3rd shelve on the very top.
Response Received:
We need two shelves, one on the bottom, and one in the middle. We do not require a 3rd shelve on the very top.
Question Submitted:
Is there a specific layout in mind for this rack?
Response Received:
Yes, each shelving rack will be place in different locations in the hangars. The shelves should similar or equal too these shelves.
Question Submitted:
Re-answering question 5. Are these supposed to be just starter units or starters and addons?
Response Received:
Re-answering question 5. Starters is fine, we are looking for something similar or equal too with decking.
Question Submitted:
Do you have a sample layout for this? Thank you! Yes, something similar or equal to with decking.
Response Received:
Yes, something similar or equal to with decking.
Question Submitted:
Please confirm maximum of 4500 lbs per each beam level for a total of 9000 lbs per bay or 9000 lbs per level and 18,000 lbs per bay? Also confirm no decking required. 4,500lbs per each beam level for a total of 9,000lbs per bay. We require decking.
Response Received:
4,500lbs per each beam level for a total of 9,000lbs per bay. We require decking.
Question Submitted:
1. Will there be a fork truck available to unload the material? Yes, we have our own forklift capability. 2. Is the wire decking required to be on top of all shelf levels? No, we only require two shelves, if it comes with a top shelf that is okay. 3. What is the max weight capacity for the unit as "no less than" 9,000 pounds, is this the max weight? We need the shelving units to hold up too 9,000lbs, If the max weight for the units more than 9,000lbs is fine. How much are you going to store? We will be using the shelves for aircraft parts and tools for aircraft schedule and unscheduled maintenance. You give a minimum of 9000 lbs what if they decide to load 20,000 lbs? We will not store anything more than 9,000lbs 4. You give a wide range of sizing; do you want the cheapest? Yes, I gave the minimum and max size we will except for storage and what we can fit in our hangar. 5. Are these supposed to be just starter units or starters and addons? Do not know what you mean by starter units or add-ons. We have multiple areas and location we are placing the shelves at. As long as they serve their purpose of shelving for heavy equipment that can be loaded and unloaded with forklifts is all we ask for. 6. New only? Yes.
Response Received:
1.) Yes, we have our own forklift capability. 2.) No, we only require two shelves, if it comes with a top shelf that is okay. 3.) We need the shelving units to hold up too 9,000lbs, If the max weight for the units more than 9,000lbs is fine. We will be using the shelves for aircraft parts and tools for aircraft schedule and unscheduled maintenance. We will not store anything more than 9,000lbs. 4.) Yes, I gave the minimum and max size we will except for storage and what we can fit in our hangar. Do not know what you mean by starter units or add-ons. We have multiple areas and location we are placing the shelves at. As long as they serve their purpose of shelving for heavy equipment that can be loaded and unloaded with forklifts is all we ask for. 5.) Yes.
Question Submitted:
Will the pallet racks need to be installed?
Response Received:
We do not need the shelving units to be installed. We will be installing the shelves ourselves.
Buy #: 1158067
Question Deadline:  11/03/2023 15:00 ET
Question Count: 0
Buy #: 1158067
Question Deadline:  11/03/2023 15:00 ET
Question Count: 0
The Buyer has not released any questions/responses to all Sellers for this Buy.
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