Question & Responses for Buy # 1158941_02

Questions & Responses Released to All Sellers
Buy #: 1158941_02
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 0
Buy #: 1158941_02
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 0
The Buyer has not released any questions/responses to all Sellers for this Buy.
Buy #: 1158941_01
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 1
Buy #: 1158941_01
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 1
Question Submitted:
Will the quote for each year mirror the performance work schedule?
Response Received:
Buy #: 1158941
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 6
Buy #: 1158941
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 6
Question Submitted:
Are there any as-built drawings available for the oil-water separators?
Response Received:
As-builts are not currently available but shop drawings are now attached.
Question Submitted:
If the waste disposal quantity differs from amount stated, what is the procedure to credit/charge for the difference?
Response Received:
The removal of waste from OWS will be capped at the estimated quantity.
Question Submitted:
1) Will there be a site walk to review the locations of the catch basins and OWS. 2) Who is the point of contact to schedule this site walk.
Response Received:
There will not be any site visits provided at this time.
Question Submitted:
1.) Will this be a prevailing wage job? 2.) Are there any bonding requirements for this bid?
Response Received:
A SCA DOL wage determination will be included with any resultant purchase order. There are no bonding requirements.
Question Submitted:
2.1) Will NSSC provide the special lifting equipment and manpower needed to remove the separator covers for the OWS inspections. 2.2) Will the catch basin inspections be performed before the cleanings in order to determine which basins have more then 4" to be cleaned and will the cleaning be capped at 20 basins per year. 2.3) Is there a current template in use for the catch basin inspection reports 2.4) Will NSSC provide the special lifting equipment and manpower needed to remove the separator covers for the OWS cleanings. 2.5) Will water be accessible on the base for the recharge of the OWS's if needed after cleanings. 2.5) As per the last inspection OWS #5 has approximately 30-40 tons of sediment/sludge for disposal.The bid lists 15 tons for disposal. Will the disposal be capped at 15 tons for OWS #5. 2.5) Will the disposal tonnages listed for each separator be capped at the estimated volumes. 2.7) Will the Water treatment systems discharging to OWS #5 be shut down during cleaning operations. 2.9) Is the single on call OWS cleaning service one for the duration of the contract or one per contract year. Should this cost be billed to one year or spread over the course of the contract. Will the disposal of waste from this event be capped at 8 tons.
Response Received:
2.1) Who is the point of contact to schedule this site walk. Will NSSC provide the special lifting equipment and manpower needed to remove the separator covers for the OWS inspections. The COR, Michael Mooney. 2.2) Will the catch basin inspections be performed before the cleanings in order to determine which basins have more then 4" to be cleaned and will the cleaning be capped at 20 basins per year. Correct. Inspections will take place before any cleanings. 2.3) Is there a current template in use for the catch basin inspection reports No template currently exists. 2.4) Will NSSC provide the special lifting equipment and manpower needed to remove the separator covers for the OWS cleanings. Yes. This will be coordinated with the COR. 2.5) Will water be accessible on the base for the recharge of the OWS's if needed after cleanings. Yes. Water can be pulled from a nearby hydrant. 2.5) As per the last inspection OWS #5 has approximately 30-40 tons of sediment/sludge for disposal.The bid lists 15 tons for disposal. Will the disposal be capped at 15 tons for OWS #5. Correct. Capped at 15tons. 2.5) Will the disposal tonnages listed for each separator be capped at the estimated volumes. Yes. 2.7) Will the Water treatment systems discharging to OWS #5 be shut down during cleaning operations. Yes, but only for a single day. If the OWS work will require more than a day, additional coordination may be required. 2.9) Is the single on call OWS cleaning service one for the duration of the contract or one per contract year. Should this cost be billed to one year or spread over the course of the contract. Will the disposal of waste from this event be capped at 8 tons.” The single on call cleaning service is for the duration of the contract, not one per year. Recommend spreading the cost out over the course of the contract.
Question Submitted:
1) Will there be a site walk to review the locations of the catch basins and OWS. 2) Who is the point of contact to schedule this site walk. 3) Is there a deadline to submit questions on the scope of work.
Response Received:
Site visits can be scheduled by contacting Michael Mooney at Any deadlines will be expressly stated.
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