Question & Responses for Buy # 1145500_01

Questions & Responses Released to All Sellers
Buy #: 1145500_01
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 1
Buy #: 1145500_01
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 1
Question Submitted:
Are all of the drivers and vehicles located and licensed in Honduras? This requirement is for INL Honduras and all of the vehicles are located in country (Tegucigalpa, Honduras). All of the drivers will have licenses issued through Honduras government.
Response Received:
Please refer to Buy/LID
Buy #: 1145500
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 0
Buy #: 1145500
Question Deadline:  None
Question Count: 0
The Buyer has not released any questions/responses to all Sellers for this Buy.
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