Question & Responses for Buy # 1159294_02

Questions & Responses Released to All Sellers
Buy #: 1159294_02
Question Deadline:  11/09/2023 14:00 ET
Question Count: 7
Buy #: 1159294_02
Question Deadline:  11/09/2023 14:00 ET
Question Count: 7
Question Submitted:
QUESTION FROM SELLER: Can the RFQ define the term "EACH"? Are we pricing per piece? Per Cube? per pound? The definitions of 1-500 lbs is very unclear when combined with a vehicle that can easily exceed the weight band and the ISO Containers that are designed to also exceed the cargo weight definition. The industry standard is a rate per weight and measure. In this system if you have a example pallet that is 4' x 4' x 4' and 800 lbs.... The rate is applied by 64 cubic feet under a measure system or 800 under a weight system. Most contractors can offer a rate per cube. This will address the situation when the shipper cannot define what will be shipped and maintain the readiness to ship 1 or hundreds of shipments.
Response Received:
because this is sporadic requirement the SOW has stated 1-500lbs at this time, as to "each" we define it with the period of performance of six months within each period of performance which includes, one six months base with three-six months options.
Question Submitted:
QUESTION FROM SELLER: Are the origins/destinations all within USVI and Puerto Rico? No origin or destination points within the US? In other words; all air freight movements; ocean freight movements trucking etc - will all be within/between St. John; St Thomas; St Croix and Puerto Rico?
Response Received:
Good morning, that is correct, service is between the USVI & PR (St. Croix, St. Thomas, St. John and Puerto Rico).
Question Submitted:
QUESTION FROM SELLER: Could you provide me with the previous incumbants information.
Response Received:
The solicitation has been amended. Please submit question (s) according to the amendment. Thanks.
Question Submitted:
Manage shipments/deliverables from cradle to grave to ensure they arrive at their destination in a timely and efficient manner. Q: Cradle to grave is interpreted as packing, loading, transporting, shipping, unloading, and unpacking. Is FEMA funding the personnel requirements for this level of service?
Response Received:
This service is for the pickup and delivery, loading and offloading (Door-to-Door, Door -to -Port, Port - to -Port, Port-to-Door) our interpretation of cradle to grave is as such to requested final destination.
Question Submitted:
QUESTION FROM SELLER: Good morning, Could you please confirm that this is a new solicitation. If it is not could you provide who the incumbent is?
Response Received:
Good day, No, this is not a new solicitation, it has been amended.
Question Submitted:
QUESTION FROM SELLER: The COR will send an email to the contractor notifying that the deliverable(s) has been accepted or rejected. The COR will have the right to reject any deficiencies found in the deliverables. In the event of a rejected deliverable, the Contractor will be notified in writing by the COR of the specific reasons for rejection. The Contractor shall have an opportunity to correct or discuss any failure of delivery. Q: Has FEMA developed the standards by which items will be accepted or rejected? Will FEMA pack the items for shipment, or will the contractor have personnel on site to pack and load the items? This level of service requires funding and should be understood in the planning.
Response Received:
Contractors can reject any shipment that is not to their shipping standards. FEMA will be responsible for the loading and offloading from all FEMA warehouses/ facilities. The contractor will be responsible for the loading and offloading / delivery and pickup to and from requested final destinations.
Question Submitted:
I see that in each period, there will be a maximum of 10 shipments. Without knowing if shipments are via air or via ocean; nor not seeing the types of shipments (IE: via ocean: 20' or 40' containers? Via Air - how many kilos in a shipment). How can we provide a unit price without knowing or understanding volumes; points of origin and points of destination?
Response Received:
... because this is a sporadic requirement which happens inconsistently; irregularly we can only anticipate the services of delivery/ shipments between 1lbs-500lb. Points of origin and of destination is mentioned on the SOW. They are St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John (USVI), Puerto Rico (PR).
Buy #: 1159294_01
Question Deadline:  11/03/2023 14:00 ET
Question Count: 0
Buy #: 1159294_01
Question Deadline:  11/03/2023 14:00 ET
Question Count: 0
The Buyer has not released any questions/responses to all Sellers for this Buy.
Buy #: 1159294
Question Deadline:  11/03/2023 14:00 ET
Question Count: 4
Buy #: 1159294
Question Deadline:  11/03/2023 14:00 ET
Question Count: 4
Question Submitted:
QUESTION FROM SELLER: In the Bid template the requirement is for a "Unit Price". It further directed the UNIT as "EA" for each. We have not found in the SOW or other documents a definition of "Each UNIT" the offer is direct to include. We assume this is to be defined as a cubic foot or pound - whichever is greater. Can the US Government clarify?
Response Received:
Contractor is to bid according to the period of performance which is considered "each." This requirement is a six-month base with three-six months options. According to the SOW the contractor must be able upon notification to pick up and deliver goods/cargos and /or parcel packages between 1lbs – 500lbs, that can include motor vehicles, and/or, a specified, pre-determined number of pallets, 20ft. container or 40ft. container and / or a combination thereof to and from the specified point of origin loading and offloading throughout the USVI & PR (St. Thomas, St. Croix, and Puerto Rico).
Question Submitted:
How can we obtain more information on shipments for bidding. It is not clearly stated in the bid package. In order to get accurate shipping cost, we must know dimensions, weigh etc.
Response Received:
The contractor must be able to pick up and deliver parcel packages (1lbs – 500lbs), motor vehicles, and/or, a specified, pre-determined number of pallets, 20ft. container or 40ft. container and / or a combination there of to and from the specified point of origin loading/offloading throughout the USVI & PR (St. Thomas, St. Croix, and Puerto Rico). Door to Port, Port to Door services -The contractor is responsible for delivering goods from and to all local FEMA facilities.
Question Submitted:
Can you provide additional details about the scope of this procurement, including the specific types of goods or services required?
Response Received:
The contractor must be able to pick up and deliver parcel packages (1lbs – 500lbs), motor vehicles, and/or, a specified, pre-determined number of pallets, 20ft. container or 40ft. container and / or a combination there of to and from the specified point of origin loading/offloading throughout the USVI & PR (St. Thomas, St. Croix, and Puerto Rico). Door to Port, Port to Door services -The contractor is responsible for delivering goods from one point to destination. Note: This requirement is Inter-Island throughout the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Contractors will be responsible to deliver goods from and to all local FEMA Facilities.
Question Submitted:
QUESTIONS FROM SELLER: How would you like this priced for quoting purposes? Can you provide a pricing matrix for the various types of deliveries expected? Or are you just looking for capable vendors to add to the BPA? Will you allow a subcontracting plan for this solicitation?
Response Received:
Contractor is to submit a six-month anticipated proposal price according to the pickup/delivery/door to port, port to door service according to goods mentioned in the SOW. Note: This requirement is Inter-Island. Contractors will be responsible to deliver goods from and to all local FEMA Facilities.
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